Manolis Katsaragakis has received his Diploma from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece, in 2018. Currently, he is a Dual-PhD Candidate at Catholic University of Leuven(KUL) and at Microprocessors Laboratory and Digital Systems Lab (Microlab), School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of NTUA . During his Ph.D. studies he works as teaching assistant on undergraduate courses. His research interests include dynamic resource management in embedded systems, IoT networks, Fog, Edge and Cloud Computing. He has published, at the moment one research paper of his diploma thesis in DATE’19 conference. He is currently working in European projects EXA2PRO, in which Mircolab participates.
- Manolis Katsaragakis ,
- Lazaros Papadopoulos ,
- Mario Konijnenburg ,
- Francky Catthoor and
- Dimitrios Soudris
Memory Footprint Optimization Techniques for Machine Learning Applications in Embedded Systems
2020 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/ISCAS45731.2020.9181038 -
- Manolis Katsaragakis ,
- Dimosthenis Masouros ,
- Vasileios Tsoutsouras ,
- Farzad Samie ,
- Lars Bauer ,
- Joerg Henkel and
- Dimitrios Soudris
DMRM: Distributed Market-Based Resource Management of Edge Computing Systems
In 2019 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE) (pp. 1391-1396). IEEE
Machine Learning for Operating System-level Page Management
Academic Advisors: Dimosthenis Masouros , Manolis Katsaragakis , Thaleia Dimitra Doudali , Sotirios Xydis and Dimitrios SoudrisBrief: PDF -
From Edge to Cloud: Dynamic Workload Placement on Edge – Cloud Platforms
Academic Advisors: Achilleas Tzenetopoulos , Manolis Katsaragakis , Sotirios Xydis and Dimitrios SoudrisBrief: PDF
Machine Learning for Operating System-level Page Management
Academic Advisors: Dimosthenis Masouros , Manolis Katsaragakis , Thaleia Dimitra Doudali , Sotirios Xydis and Dimitrios SoudrisBrief: PDF -
From Edge to Cloud: Dynamic Workload Placement on Edge – Cloud Platforms
Academic Advisors: Achilleas Tzenetopoulos , Manolis Katsaragakis , Sotirios Xydis and Dimitrios SoudrisBrief: PDF