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Την Παρασκευή 5/3/2021 και ώρα 10:00 EET (Greek Time) θα έχουμε την παρουσίαση για τα Fridays Tech Talks από τoν υποψήφιo διδάκτορα Ιωάννη Στρατάκο με τίτλο:
“5G: A new era in telecommunications”
Η παρουσίαση θα γίνει μέσω webex στο παρακάτω link Webex.
Ακολουθεί μία σύντομη περίληψη της παρουσίασης:
“5G is considered by many as the technology platform that has the potential to revolutionize the established telecommunication landscape and the way people interact with their social and economic surroundings in their everyday life, supporting the fully automated factories of the future, smart cities, autonomous vehicles, mixed reality applications, and cloud/edge computing. This presentation will focus 1) on key technologies that will be utilized in 5G network infrastructures, 2) the approach to realize such networks within the 5G-PHOS project and 3) how state-of-the-art FPGA devices can be used for rapid-prototyping of a Baseband Processing Unit (BBU).”